Thursday 28 July 2016

If You Want To Be A Winner, Change Your failure Philosophy Now!

Hold on !!! If you have stumbled upon this question in your news feeds and you are reading this, you would have been like me few years back. All confused and not knowing why life has been so rough on you . All you would need is 5 minutes of your life to read this and it would save years of your lifetime.
By the time you reach half-way, if you get the essence of the post, you are heading in the right direction. Good luck !! If not, i strongly recommend you read till end. For all it would take is a cup of coffee by your side and 5 minutes of enlightenment.

Why do we love Success more than failures?

“We” is the problem here. Society is something that bothers everyone. Success is always acknowledged positively in the society. Who doesn’t love to be praised ?. Everyone does. Failures are considered a stigma. Successes are over-rated. Failures are never respected in the world.

Losers are looked down upon in present world. Its not your problem. It is deep-rooted problem. From childhood days, kids are trained to be scared about failures. Kids who fail in class are alienated. People who fail to in their business are never motivated to try again. Failure is considered a hindrance to growth. Be it exams, games, or any kind of activities.

Instead of encouraging them to give in their best and not to worry about outcome, they are trained in one way track. Single mindset ruins our lives. People began to believe that successes is only way to learn something. They began to hate failures. They don’t get the essence of failures.

Loving failures:

It is a hard task to love failures. Who loves failures? Look who is talking. How many failures have you gone through and do you do what you preach? Lot many questions would come in your mind as you read this. Yes ! I have internal conflicts often and more often times I have hard time dealing with failures. I try to accept failures in same pedestal as successes. Loving failures is a altogether different level of acceptance. Am still learning it. When you learn to love failures, you are not afraid of failure anymore. You are not scared to face failures. You learn to take risk not because you have greater chances to win but the fact that failures would not retard your progress. You learn to take them as a learning lesson.

How would people perceive my failures?

The basic understanding any person should realize is, no one gives a damn about your successes or failures. They are busy running their lap in their tracks. Yes ! They acknowledge success achieved by others. But your failures does not affect them a bit. It does not stay in their minds as much you carry them with you. Often times, failure as such is not a hard thing. We make it look a difficult thing. We associate shame with it. We think people judge us because of our failures. We have never assigned anyone to judge us. So, just ignore what people think about you. They have lot more things to be worried about than think about you. Stop worrying about what people think about you. Instead, worry about what you would do about your failures. Are you willing to work upon it?

Learning to analyse failures. How do we do it?

Failures are just moving phases of our journey. It just means the threshold for success is higher than you thought it was in the first place.

  1. Acceptance of the reality- We all need to accept the reality. Be it success or failure. Acceptance helps train your mind to work harder. It keeps you grounded with realistic ideas. The longer you take time to settle down with reality, the harder it becomes for you to adapt to situations.
  2. Adaptability- Never think situations would always be favoring us. Adaptability is key factor that you need to develop in your journey to success. Train yourself to use resources to best of your abilities. I remember this example from the movie Rocky, where he trains in rough terrains in Russia before his big fight.
    1. Self-analysis: Learn to analyse your mistakes. Keep aside your emotional aspect and be a rational thinker. Focus on your strengths and improve your weak areas.
    2. Optimism: No matter how many failures you end up in, it should not stop you from trying. All failures have a purpose behind them. If you look into your life, all turning points in your life is preceded by difficult times and failures and eventually that has determined what you have become today. So cherish all failures as successes in your life. Once you begin doing that, life journey becomes happier.

    Key highlights of the post:
    1. Keep successes and failures in same pedestal.
    2. Acceptance of failures is first step in learning.
    3. Without self-analysis, failures have no essence in life.
    4. Eliminate fear from your life. There more failures you have, the greater lessons you learn from it. This life is not a race. You have no finish line to reach. What really matters is how fair you have been all through your life.
    5. Have optimism and self-faith. It takes you miles ahead. Never give up on yourself.
    6. Learn to love failures.

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