Saturday, 30 July 2016

Hillary Clinton is a war criminal, racketeer: US journalist

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is an exposed racketeer, a war criminal who should never be elected president of the United States, American author and radio host Stephen Lendman says.

During her nomination speech on Thursday at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Clinton said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is not qualified to be the commander-in-chief of the US military because of his volatile temperament.
She tried to scare the Democratic National Convention audience with the image of a President Trump having the power to call a nuclear strike.
"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons," the former secretary of state said before accepting the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.
Commenting on this Lendman said, “Donald Trump has a lot to answer for in terms of his own policy. He’s no solution to America’s problems. But he has one redeeming feature: He’s not Hillary Clinton.”
“Hillary Clinton is a recklessly dangerous woman. ‘A war goddess,’ I call her, an exposed racketeer. The FBI has let her off the hook, despite her committing high crimes along with her husband, Bill,” she told Press TV on Saturday.
“In the 1990s, we had a cold Clinton crime family presidency. Do we want a second one? Elected in Nonmember 2016, taking office in January 2017. Do we want four more years of Clinton and Clinton?” he asked.
“And make no mistake. It’s a crime family. The evidence is overwhelming, whether it’s geopolitical, whether it’s personnel. You know the Clinton Foundation is a money laundering self-enrichment racket posing as a charitable NGO, stuffing millions of dollars, multi millions of dollars in tax havens to make the Clintons super rich, declining to do good for the world,” the analyst stated.
“Well, Trump is right when he calls Hillary ‘Crooked Hillary’. He should call her Super Crooked Hillary, because that’s what she is,” he said.
“Trump has no public record to judge him on. He’s a businessman. He’s a billionaire, a real estate tycoon, involved in other businesses, but his record is not public. So there’s not really much we know about him, except of what comes out of him in public,” the journalist observed.

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